soil testing services edmonton

Get the Dirt on Soil Testing with ProtechGeo

Are you on top of soil testing and land evaluation for your new build? Conducting a thorough analysis of your home or commercial location is vital to guaranteeing a safe construction process. While you may know to consider important elements like slope, foundation, and even materials to use while building, people often neglect to realize how important soil testing is to the overall success of your build. In fact, some tests like percolation analysis are essential for the installation of septic systems and more.

As a leading geotechnical consulting firm throughout Alberta, ProtechGeo is proud to offer comprehensive foundational assessment services, including soil testing and more. Below, we’ll take a closer look at soil testing, and why it’s so vital to incorporate into any new build. Read on to learn more!

What Does Soil Testing Involve?

Soil testing analyzes a wide range of things in order to concretely determine if the land in question is suitable for construction. While some tests take a closer look at the composition and/or texture, others will be focused on identifying possible contaminants. Soil testing will typically be conducted prior to, during, and after construction to provide the most comprehensive results. Once the appropriate amount of data has been gathered, your geotechnical team can make recommendations with regards to grading, drainage, as well as necessary foundational supports.

Simply put, the insights provided by soil testing give you a viable path forward for construction and help you to avoid the costly (and dangerous) repercussions that may result from neglecting to do your due diligence. At ProtechGeo, we understand what’s at stake when conducting geotechnical analysis, and strive to provide the most accurate results, as well as the most comprehensive customer service possible. Insights you can expect to gain from our inspections include:

  • Overall site suitability of the soil and assess whether it can accommodate your construction project
  • Soil identification and classifications
  • Soil strength, density, compaction, density and composition results, and more.

When it comes to digging up the dirt on soil investigations, you can count on ProtechGeo to leave no stone unturned!

Partner With ProtechGeo Now

With decades of industry experience and a team that’s dedicated to exceptional results you can depend on, ProtechGeo offers geotechnical consulting services, including soil analysis and more. No matter the size and scope of your project, you can count on our team to have you covered, all while offering exceptional communication and foolproof data that allows construction to begin with confidence.

Don’t leave the foundational stability of your development to chance. Contact ProtechGeo today to learn more about soil testing as well as our additional available services.


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